Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Cordeliya Bloodwyn Maelwedd
Date: September 10 , 2004 until September, 12 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 10th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 12th 2004
Event site:
Blueridge Rd Site
3895 Blueridge Rd.
Quesnel, BC V2J 6T4
Peasant’s Revolt Shire of Ravensweir (Quesnel BC) September
10-12 Autocrat – Cordeliya Morrighan Bloodwynn Maelwedd email
foxfire_50@hotmail.com Phone – 992-7936 Rapier Championship –
all within 5 hours drive are welcome to attend/compete – from
Kamloops (Shire of Ramsgaard) up to Smithers (Shire of Tir
Bannog) and everyone in between. Contact info for tournament
should be requested from our MIC – HL Cerridwen Maelwedd –
valkyrie77@shaw.ca Site fee – child 0-6 FREE, youth 7-19 $2,
adult $5, NO NMS! “Wet” site. No Heavy Fighting this event
(sorry folks!) Potluck on Saturday Night at the Arden
Pavillion. Possible Ithra classes – TBA. HL Sigrid Arden
threatens engagement festivities and hijinks for Cordeliya
and Corbus…(Lord help us…..*s*) Any questions? Feel free
to contact Me (the Autocrat)….that’s what I’m here for!
> Rules > > To qualify as Ravensweir Champion, you
must > > – Be within a 5 hour drive of the Shire of
Ravensweir > – Be carded within the Kingdom of An Tir >
– Sign an NSCA waiver or have one on file with the NSCA >
– Stand ready to serve as the Champion of Ravensweir as an
honourary > Officer of the Shire – Put on next years
tourney. > > Contrary to preceding years, these
conditions will also apply to the > Champion of the Day
(excluding the 5 hour limitation) as the winner of > this
prize may be expected to stand in for the Champion if he/she
is > unable to complete their year of service. > >
Please consider these duties before competing in this
tourney. > > Scenarios > > Plank Battle 1 point
> Best of 3 > If the fighter steps off the plank,
he/she is out until the next round. > Leg hits count as
falling off the plank. If the fighter still has one arm >
and is still on the plank, he/she may continue fighting. >
> Virgin Heidleberg 1 point > Best of 3 > A shot
glass is placed bhind the fighter furthes heel while in a
fighting > stance. Only tip cuts to the jaw line count as
kills. Torso, arm and leg > shots do not count for
anything. > If the shot glass tips over the fighter is out
until next round. > > Escort Your Liege 1 point >
Two Rounds > One fighter is the guard to his lord or lady
(also a fighter). If the > Lord/Lady is killed the guard
is also considered dead and must step off > the eric. If
the guard dies, his/her liege may continue to fight but, >
again, the guard must step off the eric.The guard can only
earn his point > if his/her liege survives the round. The
liege also earns a point if > he/she survives to the end
of the round on his/her own. The partners will > switch
roles for the second round. This scenario may be timed. >
> The Arden Boats will also be there for fun and
entertainment if enough are > interested. Otherwise, they
make a nifty play set for the kids.
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