Lord Defenders


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Branch Seneschal): Baroness Elspeth nic Grath
Date: September 20 , 2019 until September, 22 2019
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 20th 2019
Site closes at: 11:59 PM on September 22th 2019

Event site:
Sumner Sportsman’s Club
15711 N 96th Street E Puyallup, WA 98372

8:30 AM
Gate Opens
10:00 AM
Opening Court with Invocation of Champions
Populace Arts and Science polling opens
Heavy Champion Tournament begins
Page competition begins
Archery competition begins
Thrown Weapons competition begins
Rapier Tournament will follow Heavy Tournament
Shield of the Barony will follow Rapier Tournament
11:00 AM
Newcomers class
1:00 PM
Norse whip cord braiding
3:00 PM
Viking twisted wire bracelet
5:00 PM
All tournaments will be concluded
Populace Arts And Science polling closes
6:00 PM
Potluck to follow directly after court
Baronial breakfast to be provided by Their Excellencies
Site closes
Gate fees
$20 for weekend
$15 for Day trip
$5 member discount.
Populace Arts and Science demonstration
We invite all adult members of the populace to show off an item that you have finished creating this
year. There will be tokens to place in bowls by each item to vote for your favorite creation.
Class Descriptions
Newcomers class- Baron Yusuf Ja’bar Timbuktuwwi
We will cover the basic structure of the SCA, courtesy,rank, and how to address someone. Finally
we will talk about court and what to do when you are in court.
Viking Whipcord Braiding- HL Kira Mikkeldotter
Class Length: 50 min
Class size: 6 students
Class materials: $5 cost for materials to take home after class. If you do not wish to take home
materials you can still participate in the class.
Class description: Whipcord braids are a way to make string usually with threads in multiples of four
where the threads are interlocked together instead of merely being plied(twisted).
Class objective: To learn to make a four-strand braided cord by yourself using bobbins(clothes pegs)
and a cross bar section of wood.
Viking Torc Style Wire Braiding- HL Hakon Thorgeirsson
Class materials: $10 for bronze, no fee for copper
Class description: Students will have hands on instruction to learn how wire is twisted into a torc
bracelet. Students can experience the twisting technique using either copper or bronze. This basic
class will be using either a 2×2 or 2×3. Students will have an opportunity to view examples of
different torc techniques such as a straight twist torc and reverse twist torc and how the different
techniques change the look and design of the finished piece.

This page for event id 7128 was last updated: September 20, 2019
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