June Faire XXIX


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Anne Brynley
Date: June 3 , 2011 until June, 5 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 3th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 5th 2011

Event site:
Port Gamble
32159 NW Rainier Ave Port Gamble, WA 98346

Their Excellencies, Baron
Arontius and Baroness Laurellen, invite you to celebrate with the
Barony of Dragon’s Laire, their 29th annual June Faire for a
full weekend of festivities and camping, June 3-5,
2011. Experience feats of armored combat, the finesse of
rapier, archery, thrown weapons, the Baronial Equestrian
Championship,a magnificent Arts & Sciences village, bardic
performances and a bustling marketplace.  This is our annual
public demo and our premier Baronial event.  Please be
prepared to show the moderns just how skilled and
dedicated the SCA is.  As a special attraction, this year
June Faire has been placed on the An Tir Fighters Tournament
Circuit.  The finest fighters in the Kingdom will cross

The Faire is remaining within
the Port Gamble, WA town.  The site layout for 2010 was a
wonderful success and provided a good environment for the public
and SCA participants.  The site is without power and we
encourage you to prepare for all possibilities.  Visit
www.portgamble.com for
community information.  The Baronial website is www.dragonslaire.org which will
have updated event information as it becomes

Camping groups with 5 tents or
more and RV campers must pre-register “and” need to contact
the camping coordinator, HL Jahnkin de Leeuw at dancingdolphin97@yahoo.com
to ensure camping space as pre-registering does not
automatically reserve that you will be placed with your

All pre-registrations need to
be done through ACCEPS for those in the U.S.  For those in
Canada, please contact the pre-reg coordinator, HL Jenae Joyeux at
.  We encourage everyone to pre-register.  PRE-REG
DEADLINE IS MAY 13th.  (extended to May 16th) Pre-registering
does not automatically reserve your camping space in your
group.  If you wish to camp with or near a certain group, you
need to contact the camping coordinator, HL Jahnkin to
ensure space is reserved.  Equestrians must notify the
Equestrian Officer Murakami Tsuruko, Sensei at tsuruko@dancingcraneart.com
prior to the event. 

Other questions, please direct
to the June Faire Chairman, HL Anne Brynley at moonfeather@comcast.net

The ACCEPS website is
at http://acceps.ansteorra.org

Site Fees:

Pre-Reg:  Adults $12.00
($5.00 NMS applies for non-members); Youth 7-17 $7.00; Under 7 free
(Family Cap $38.00)

At Gate:  Adults $15.00
($5.00 NMS applies for non-members); Youth 7-17 $7.00; Under 7 free
(Family Cap $44.00)

Day Trip: Adults $5.00 ($5.00
NMS applies for non-members); Youth 16 and up $5.00; Under 16

Gate opens 10:00 A.M.
Friday.  Everyone must be off site by 8:00 P.M.

Merchant Applications deadline
is now closed.  Merchant questions should be sent to gwen@dragonfirepottery.com


Dogs are welcome at June Faire
however they must be leashed (or in a pen/crate) at all
times.  You must pick up after your dog.  If dogs are
barking and can’t be quieted, or are bothering other June Faire
attendees, you will be asked to remove your dog(s) from


No “on the ground” fires are
permitted.  Above ground braziers are allowed.  Any camp
with open flame of any kind (this includes candles), must have a
fire extinguisher or full bucket of water in camp.

We look forward to seeing you
at the Faire.


This page for event id 5535 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
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