Inlands Exchequer Training


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Thorkell Palsso
Date: July 6 , 2019
Site opens at: 9:00 AM on July 6th 2019
Site closes at: 5:00 PM

Event site:
Wellspring Christian Fellowship
306 N Sprague St, , Ellensburg, WA WA

This is a day-long training for Exchequers and those that are interested in learning more about it.  There should be training on the Journal, reporting, PayPal for Events, plus other topics as are needed.  Event is a free event, and if your branch financial policy allows it, transportation costs can be reimbursed.

Reminders:  If you have a laptop, please remember to bring it along it will make following along with the training easier.  If you have a thumb drive you can bring, we can distribute the training documents as well. 

This page for event id 7235 was last updated: July 3, 2019
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