Honor War


Hosted by Device of Lyonsmarche

The College of Lyonsmarche (Pullman, WA & Moscow, ID)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Phelan Tolusmidr
Date: April 17 , 2015 until April, 19 2015
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 17th 2015
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on April 19th 2015

Event site:
Chief Timothy Park
Silcott Island Clarkston, WA 99403

Honor War has moved!  We missed our River, and
the shade of trees, so we found new lands to conquer!  This
year Silcott Island on the Snake River is OURS!
 Unfortunately, roving brigands have also cast a greedy eye at
our new encampments, and thus do we call for aid from our Great
Neighbors, those brave souls of the Inlands!  Ties of old call
to the Baronies of Wastekeep and Wealdsmere, as well as good
cousins throughout the lands, to come to our aid, and a share of
our bounty.  Fighting and food, merry-making and mead!
 Let us all protect these lands of our Great King and Queen
from the foul highwaymen.

Event Steward: Master Phelan Tolusmidr (Bill
Lillibridge) 1513 Airway Ave, Lewiston  ID 83501; Phone: (C)
208-791-5039; Email:phelan.tolusmidr@gmail.com

EVENT SITE: Chief Timothy State Park, Silcott
Island, Clarkston, WA 99403Site opens at 2pm – merchants and those
needing an earlier arrival,  please contact the event steward.
 Site closes at 3pm Sunday.
FEES: Ages 18 & up $15, youth under 18 free.   Day fees:
  Ages 18 & up $10, youth under 18 are free.
 Non-member adult NMS $5 fee applies.  Checks payable to

HONOR WAR 2015 SCHEDULE (Subject to change)

Friday, April 17
12:00 pm – Site opens to merchants 
2:00 pm – Site Opens to populace
5:30 pm – Soup Kitchen (see details below)

Saturday, April 18
9:00 am – Yarn Organization Check-in with Morgaina (see information
9:30 am  Armor inspection for Five-Man Meelee Tourney
10:00 am – 12:00 pm  Five-Melee Tourney (see information
10:00 am – 4:00 pm Bread Baking Corner (see information below)
11:00 am – 2:00 pm  Adult Archery Championship
 Tournament + fun shoots
12:00 pm – Heavy armor inspection for war
12:00 pm – A&S championship opens to entries
12:30 pm – 3:00 pm  HEAVY WAR scenarios
2:30 pm – Rapier inspection
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm  RAPIER WAR scenarios (see information
4:00 pm – A&S and Brewing Championship presentations/judging –
Under the A&S canopy  (see information below)
5:30 pm – Pelican meeting near the A&S booth
8:00 pm – War accounting at the Bardic Circle
8:30 pm – Bardic Circle & Championship Competition at the
Bardic Circle (see information below)

Sunday, April 18
9:00 am  YAC armor inspection followed by tournament
10:00 am – Rapier inspection
10:30 – 12:30  – Lyonsmarche Rapier Championship
3:00 pm – Site Closes

Friday Night Soup Kitchen
We will be hosting a Soup Kitchen for those weary travelers that
are not in the mood to cook this night.  Made by local
crafts-people, some splendid soups and bread will be available for
a small donation, $2 – $3 per serving.  Bring your own

Five-Man Melee Tournament
News reaches our ears from the neighboring Kingdom of Artemisia,
warriors are called to stand shield to shield with their brothers
& sisters and test both Honor and skill upon the field. The
name of the 5-man melee tourney will be called “The Battle of Five”
The list for the tourney sign up at Honor War will start on Friday
night in the Brotherhood Camp. We will have armor inspections and
tourney rules at 9:30 am, with fighting to start at 10 am. The
teams will be made of 5 men each with no archery or thrown weapons,
two knights max per team. Each team will have 2 shields, 1 spear, 1
mass weapon & 1 weapon of choice. Each team will also need a
voice herald to announce them onto the field. The scenarios will be
fought on Open, Fort & Bridge fields, with the finals fought on
a broken/flag scenario. For more info, and a look into the circuit
rule and field designs check out our Facebook page called “Battle
of Five”. ~ Sir Dahoud

Arts and Sciences Championship
Come all ye artisans and craftspeople to vie for the honor of
Lyonsmarche A&S Champion! In addition to the Championship,
there will be prizes for Best Documentation, Populace Choice, and
Most Unusual Entry. Each entry must be accompanied by a sheet
telling what the entry is and who is entering it. Additional
documentation is strongly encouraged, but not required. Oral
presentations to the judges (see schedule for time) are also
encouraged but not required. I hope to see a lot of entries so we
can show everyone what a crafty bunch of people we are!

Homebrew Championship
Homebrewing Championship – Tova says that one of the requirements
is that you use yeast that ferments to make your homebrew whether
it be beer, wine, or mead.

Bardic Championship
So too  will be tested your prowess of merriment and music,
around the fires of the evening on Saturday shall a new Champion be
cheered and cajoled into their office. This year there will be a
Bravosi Bardic Competition, with crowd response during each
presentation being the deciding factor for victory. In other words,
the bards must make the populous laugh, cry, groan or sigh, etc to
come out champion.

Yarn Organizing Competition
Do you enjoy “organizing yarn”? If you do then this is a perfect
way for you to earn a war point for your preferred side at Honor
War. We are holding a contest for Yarn Organizing, and by that we
mean weaving, naalbinding, knitting, or other period forms of
making that yarn into a thing while on site. There will be prizes
for the most/longest thing made, the most aesthetically attractive
as evaluated by our judges, the best craftsmanship, and the overall
winner who also will be awarded a war point.  The competition
will begin at 9:00am Saturday and end at 9:00am Sunday. Bring all
the yarn and tools you need with you. Weavers, you can pre-warp
your looms, but do the weaving on site.  To enter, please show
Mistress Morgaina your looms, or tools, and yarn before you

The Bread Baking Corner.
Saturday of Honor War we will set up an area for bread baking on
site. We invite everyone to come over. There will be two styles of
Roman campaign cloches and possibly a temporary brick oven. We can
do some comparisons of which style works better and how outdoors
baked bread compares to a modern oven. Please come over and help
bake, or you are welcome to observe, There will be some sampling of
hot bread whenever a loaf is completed. Look for us next to the
Arts and Sciences covered table.

Archery Championship: Bring you bows and arrows
boys and girls.  Fling ’em far and wide, or on target! and
earn some points for your group of choosing.  Dunno. 
We’ll make it happen!

Lyonsmarche Rapier Championshiop Tournament
Come one come all and fight for honor, fight to become the
Lyonsmarche Rapier Champion!  This Tournament will be a
three-ring holmgang.  Fighters move up on winning, down if
losing.  A point will be obtained for winning in the top ring.
 Time to be determined by the number of entries.

YAC Tournament
Nothing ends a glorious weekend better than seeing the youngsters
put on their armour and battle it out.  Join us for this last
hoorah!  Time to be determined by the number of entries.

This page for event id 6428 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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