Honor Feast


Hosted by Device of Three Mountains

The Barony of Three Mountains (Clackamas & Multnomah Counties, OR)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Vivien NicUldoon
Date: October 1 , 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 1th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Milwaukie Community Club Center
10666 SE 42nd Ave. Milwaukie, OR 97222

Join the Barony of Three Mountains for
a day of Art & Sciences, Feasting and Honoring Ducessa

Feasting:  This will
be a feast like no other – there will be no place settings,
no waiting at your table for the next course to be served and food
will be served from 10:30am until 7pm.   Don’t
bring your feast gear, you won’t need it. Just bring a
drinking vessel and your own drinks.  Everything else will be
provided on site.  All the food will be served dim sum style
at 10:30, 1, 3:30 and 6pm with dessert at 7pm.  Each remove
will be from a different region of the world – As each remove
is served, people will go to the kitchen and select the dishes they
want to eat.  When you’re done eating, take the dishes
back to the kitchen, we’ll wash them and have them ready for
the next remove.  THERE IS NO PRE-REGISTRATION – but we would
appreciate it if you’d help us by using this Survey Monkey to
predict how much food we should cook:

Arts &
Vie for the glory of being the Arts
and Sciences Champion of the Barony of Three Mountains.  For
those competing in the Arts & Sciences championship, please
contact William Mor (william_farquharson AT hotmail.com) for

Contests:  Something
for everyone: Tug of War, Go, Wrestling, Arm Wrestling and

The Grand Prize: 
Everyone will be given some gambling markers when they arrive on
site.  Your goal is to accumulate as many markers as possible
before the end of the night.  People who win contests will be
given additional markers.  Everyone else will be accumulating
markers by betting with them – on anything and everything
– who will win tug of war, how many entrants will be in the
wrestling tournament, who can make the Ducessa laugh the hardest,
you name it.  The person with the most markers at the end of
the day wins the grand prize.

Dancing:   Our
illustrious dance mistress Slaine will be leading the dancing in
the early evening.

Fighters:  There
will be a Blood Of Heroes style tournament – complete with dog

Crash Space:  For
everyone wanting to attend from out of town, please contact
Selene(selene_trioros AT comcast.net) – she is organizing
crash space with locals so those who want to attend but live
farther away can still join us for this fun day

Site Fee: Adults

Children 5-18 $12

Non Member SurCharge $5

Make checks payable to “SCA, Inc. – Barony of Three

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