Honey War


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Serena Zane
Date: July 12 , 2019 until July, 14 2019
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 12th 2019
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on July 14th 2019

Event site:
Griffinwood Stables
8710 US Highway 101 NW Olympia, WA 98502

The buzz in the Kingdom has come to our attention… someone is making off with Glymm Mere Honey! What, you say? Indeed, the rumors have been confirmed! Our honey has gone missing… Who would do such a thing? 

A smuggling route has been discovered to the far North, our distant cousins of Tir Righ seem to have gotten their hands on our precious resource with the help of our dastardly neighbors from Blatha an Oir. We need help to stop these fiends!

We call on our brothers and sisters from our beautiful Kingdom to uphold the honor of Glymm Mere and protect our most precious of resources. WAR!!! A great war shall be waged to put a stop to this horrendous affront, and we shall protect our honey. Join us! 

For camping reservations and further event infomation, please visit the Honey War 2019 website at:

glymm-mere.org or email: serenazane.sca@gmail.com

Co-event steward: HL Guilia Stanizi

Contact email: Guilia.stanizi@gmail.com

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Has Merchants
Has Classes
Has an Heraldic consultation table
Offers Youth & Family activities
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Equestrian activities
Has Archery activities
Has Thrown Weapon activities
Has Bardic activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities

See this event on Facebook

Add all events from Glymm Mere to your personal calendar (ical format)

Registration Information


Please include tent & space dimensions including ropes.  

Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Camping $25.00
Daytrip $15.00
*SCA Members will receive a $5 member discount off the cost listed above.

Event Schedule

Come back for regular updates!!


10:00 am – Site opens for merchants

12:00 am – Site opens for populace

7:00 pm – Torchlight Blanket Tourney (Heavy)


9:00 AM – Opening Court

Archery & Thrown Weapons Range will happen after Morning Court

10:00 AM (or after Court) Iron Competitions start! Iron Bardic, Siege Cooking, Iron Needle, Iron Scribal

10:00 AM – Heavy Armor Inspection Starts

10:00 AM – Honey Hunt (for Youth)

10:30 AM – WAR!!!! (Heavy Scenerios)

11:00 AM – Cut & Thrust Tourney

12:30 PM – Rapier Armor Inspection Starts

1:00 PM – WAR!! (Rapier Scenerios)

3:00 PM – Champions Challenge

3:00 PM – Turn in your Iron Competition pieces for judging/Iron Bardic performances 

4:00 PM – Closing Court

7:00 PM (or after court and your dinner) – Family Friendly Bardic

9:00 PM – Catch & Release Scavenger Hunt @ The Docks (18 and over)

10:00 PM – Naughty Bardic (@ Corhaven Household)


The Hunt (for Archery Enthusiasts)

Classes throughout the day – please see class schedule posted on the Facebook Event page


12:00 PM – Site Closes

Tournament Information

Cut & Thrust Tourney

Heavy Blanket Tourney

Iron Siege Cooking Competition

Iron Bardic Competition

Iron Scribal Competition

Iron Needle Competition

Youth and Family Activities

There will be a Heraldry scavenger hunt, Hobby Horse races, Game tournaments for nine men morris, alquerque, and a few others, there will also be competitions for bocce and kubb.

The major rule is that parent/guardians are responsible for children and should be in attendance with them at activities.

Volunteer Information

We are currently seeking volunteers for all activities! Please contact the Event Stewards if you wish to volunteer your services. This will be for a war point!!

Merchant Information

Heirs of Elegance – garb
Silver Cat Farm – wine, mead, sheep skins
Kate the Candelmaker – books, candles
The Norse Gypsy Forge – leather goods, jewelry, drinking horns
DragonStorm Sports – leather goods
Dark Ages Games – games
Argos Farms – mohair, fiber arts stuff, petting zoo (new merchant!)
Blue Tygre Forge – Hand forged items
Fa’el’s Forge – Hand forged items
Viking Krafts & Savle Feur Designs – knives and jewelry (new merchant!)
Redwolf Ltd – pins, jewelry
Steve Frye Sales – ice cream, water, nuts, archery goods (new merchant!)
Robert Flood – Hand crafted wood items (new merchant!)

Classes Offered

Class Schedule for Honey War! 
All classes will be on Saturday July 13th 

Class Descriptions

Basic Inkle
Instructor: Catrine la Crosetire
Cost: Free
Time: 10am
Location: Arts and Sciences Pavilion
Max Participants: 15
Description: Have an inkle loom and wondering how to use it?

Blacksmithing Basics
Instructor: Robert of the Forge and HL Ivan Leskov
Cost: $5
Time: 10am, Noon, 2pm
Location: Merchants Row
Max Participants: 4 per session
Description: Learn basic shaping and twisting of metal in multiple styles while hearing some of the history of blacksmithing.

Cartography in Period and in the SCA
Instructor: Sir Seumas mac Brehon
Cost: Free
Time: 1pm
Location: Arts and Sciences Pavilion
Max Participants: 30
Description: A survey of the art and science of map mapping, navigation, and dispelling a few of the myths of cartography in period. Also, a discussion and display of SCA maps of kingdoms of the knowne world.

Heraldry 101
Instructor: Master Erik Loren Elcara
Cost: Free
Time: 2pm
Location: Heralds Pointe
Max Participants: Unlimited
Description: Introduction to SCA Heraldry

Modern Beekeeping in Medieval Times
Instructor: Lady Melissa of Dalmatia
Cost: Free
Time: 3:30pm
Location: Arts and Sciences Pavilion
Max Participants: 100
Description: Beekeeping through history and the Modern accommodations for backyard beekeeping

Now What? Questions about Court
Instructor: HL Natasha Orionova Zateeva
Cost: Free
Time: 11am
Location: Heralds Pointe
Max Participants: 50
Description: So, you’re sitting with your friends and somebody nudges you and says you just got called into The Presence. What to say and do, and how to address those nobles. Random other questions about what court is about and why you should be there. Not just for new members, great stories about court experiences welcome.

Overview of Period Games
Instructor: HL Isabella de Walingeford
Cost: $.50
Time: 11am
Location: Dark Age Games (Merchants Row)
Max Participants: 8
Description: Introduction to history of a dozen (or more) medieval games.

Textile Block Printing Basics
Instructor: Lady Melissa of Dalmatia
Cost: $5
Time: Noon
Location: Arts and Sciences Pavilion
Max Participants: 20
Description: Learn about basic block printing materials and techniques to bling your garb! Paying participants will have an opportunity to carve and print their own block and take home a tea towel!

Tribal Bellydance
Instructor: Laeriel Fayrehale
Cost: Free
Time: 1pm
Location: Raven Hart encampment (period round tent with green edging on embattled dags)
Max Participants: None
Description: Explore the elegant and earthy movement of Tribal Belly Dance. After a short warmup we will learn some movement vocabulary that can be used to follow a leader later that night around the bardic campfire. No special clothes required. Come as you are and dance with us.

Wire Weaving
Instructor: Mistress Disa i Birkilundi
Cost: $8
Time: 2pm
Location: Arts and Sciences Pavilion
Max Participants: 6
Description: Lean how to make a beautiful but simple piece of jewelry made by the Norse! Students will receive everything to make a complete necklace.

This page for event id 7132 was last updated: July 7, 2019
This event has completed its EIF form
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