Grim Offensive


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Arnora Grimsdottir
Date: June 24 , 2011 until June, 26 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 24th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 26th 2011

Event site:
Locust Grove Campground
Kettle Park Rd, No street address Kettle Falls, WA



All hail and

On June 24-26
2011 Grim Offensive VII will once again be held at the beautiful
Locust Grove Group Camp!

Green grass,
shade and private surroundings.

Many fun
activities are planned and of course plenty of fighting, archery
and great War scenarios. With a Bardic and A&S (brewing)
competition on Saturday.  Please feel free to bring any
A&S for display.

We will be
having a pot luck feast on Saturday and the Shire  will be providing roasted
 chicken. Please bring
enough to feed 10 folks (there are no cooking facilities
on site). Drinking water is available with limited
electricity at the Pavillion 
. Portable fire pits
with18 in clearance and tiki torch are ok,  there is no firewood on

Merchants are
welcome and encouraged, there is no extra charge for merchanting,
no donations are asked for and you will have prime real estate
right in the center of the action!

Merchants are
asked to please RSVP Lady Una so a layout of merchants row can
be planned.

Merchant set
up Friday 10:a.m.


Mi’lady Mable


& Merchant Steward:

Lady Una of



This page for event id 5544 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
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