Goode Yule (New Date)


Hosted by Device of Aquaterra

The Barony of Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Tacye Maple
Date: December 18 , 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on December 18th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Viking Hall
1331 Pioneer Hwy. Silvana, WA 98287


Good Gentles, all, you are well come today. The Barony of
Aquaterra is sorry that you have been disappointed by the
raging forces of nature who tossed a river over our event
site, but the good news is that the event will be held next
Saturday, December 18, at the same place. The down side of
these circumstances is that some of you who preregistered may
not be able to attend next week. If that is the case, you
will need to contact Baroness Arianne at or or phone
425-778-2359 OR you may contact me at or or
phone 425-348-4093 to arrange a refund of your pre-paid feast
ticket or to arrange receipt of a raincheck voucher which can
be applied toward any AQUATERRAN event in 2005. Those who are
able to attend will find that the event will be esentially
the same as was planned for this week. We will have the
dessert auction, the silent auction, classes, the feast,
entertainment, and a celebration of the season. If you had
wanted to attend this week but could not because you had a
conflict or the feast was sold out and you want to attend
next Saturday, please contact either Baroness Arianne or me
as above to purchase a ticket. See our website at for further information, or contact the
autocrat, Tayce Maple at 360-474-8342. Please feel free to
forward this information to any other appropriate email
lists. Yours in service to Kingdom and Barony Rosamund –
Seneschal ==================================================

Marauding Vikings said to be from Aquaterra launched raids on
Italian shipping and have successfully commandeered the pride
of the Italian fleet, the frigate “Serenissima”! Certain of
their number have made off with the noted Florentine chef and
his crew, including its fabulously stocked galley and its
contents of rare and valuable food stuffs and spices. The
price for their freedom is the creation of a magnificent
feast for the Viking’s upcoming celebration of “Goode Yule”.

There will be a silent auction of very good donated SCA items
and a live desert auction with proceeds to benefit our
general fund. If you wish to make a donation for the silent
auction or the desert auction please bring items with you to
the event at least one hour prior to the start of the auction
(2pm). Deserts must have your name and an ingredient list
printed on an index card. Covered candles and table
decorations are welcome. Bring your banners to decorate the
hall! This is a wet site. All SCA and mundane rules apply.

Date, Site
and Directions:
Please join us on Saturday
December 18, 2004 at the Silvana Viking Hall at 1331 Pioneer
Highway Silvana, WA. Doors open to the populous at 11:30am
and close at Midnight. From Interstate 5 take Exit #208 and
head west on Pioneer Highway for 3 miles. Viking Hall will be
on your Right. If you pass the Fire Station you went too far.
Look for signs.


• Dart Construction Noon-1:00pm

• Dance Instruction Noon-3:00pm

• Games Noon-4:30pm

• Target Archery Marshall Certification Noon-3:00pm

• Gate Instuction 3:00pm-4:30pm

• Silent Auction 3:00pm-8:00pm

• Court Etiquette 3:00pm-4:00pm

• Dessert Auction 3:00pm-4:00pm

• Court 4:30pm

• Feast Begins 6:00pm

• Gift Exchange after feast (Please mark a $5.00- $10.00
wrapped gift for an adult or Child)

SCA members 13 and older $15.00US,
Children 6-12 $7.00US, 5 and under are free. Proof of SCA
membership is required. Non-Members 13 and older $18.00US,
Children 6-12 $7.00US, 5 and under are free. Make checks
payable to Barony of Aquaterra, SCA, Inc.

Seating is limited! Tickets sold on a pre-paid basis only!
Reservations must be paid by Tuesday December 7th. No tickets
sold at the door! Please book early to avoid disappointment.
Contact Baroness Arianne of Falconmoore mka Ruth Janus (425)

HL Tacye Maple mka Tracey Dunlap (360) 474-0251

Alessandra mka Shawn Miles (206) 325-0856

This page for event id 3918 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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