Dragonslayer/Hidden Treasures


Hosted by Device of Montengarde

The Barony of Montengarde (Calgary, AB)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Dalton Arundel
Date: July 22 , 2006 until July, 24 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on July 22th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on July 24th 2006

Event site:
Calgary Archer’s Club
241050 Range Rd 25 Calgary, AB

The Barony of Montengarde invites you to Dragonslayer/ Hidden Treasures,
July 21-23, 2006.

The Dragonslayer tournament will be run by Sir Murchad.

The Dragonblinder tourney will be run by Ellias Silver and is for locals
only since all archers are invited to shoot a 24 target roving range
tournament, run by Dalton. The roving range tournament theme is “Heroes of
Avacal” and will include targets of well known Avacalians. Royal Rounds will
be run on the field range throughout the weekend for those wishing to record

Due to the mundane rules of the club crossbows are not permitted.

Rapier will include duels on a real bridge. There will also be an A&S
competition, bardic, dancing, and a fire pit. Site does not have drinkable
water. Some will be available in the Inne but we recommend you bring some.
Stores and restaurants are nearby.

Site: Calgary Archers Club (No street address) Highway 8, Calgary.
Cost: $10.00 NMS: $4.00
Payable in advance by cheque, money order. Cheques payable to SCA Inc.
Barony of Montengarde

Best route to Alberta Highway 2 (Deerfoot Trail in Calgary) Take Deerfoot to
Glenmore Trail W. Glenmore turns into Highway 8 at Sarcee Trail. * Follow
Highway 8, over Elbow River Bridge. Site is 2nd driveway on the right.

From the East or West: Highway 1 to Sarcee trail S. At the end of Sarcee
turn right onto Highway 8 W. Follow directions from * above.

Site Opens at 5:00 pm Friday and closes at 2:00 pm Sunday.

Autocrats: Dalton Arundel (Jim Martin), Lyonet Lamoureux (Lya Lamoureux),
218, 6440 Centre St. NE, Calgary, AB, T2K 0V4. 403-275-0338.
E-mail ice.tiger@shaw.ca

Website: hiddentreasures.akesons.com

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