

Hosted by Device of Dragon's Laire

The Barony of Dragon’s Laire (Kitsap & N Mason counties, WA)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Stuart of House Awrty
Date: February 2 , 2019
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 2th 2019
Site closes at: 11:59 PM

Event site:
Suquamish United Church of Christ
18732 Division Ave NE Suquamish, WA 98392

Their Excellencies Conchobar MacEoin and Eilidh Keldeleth of Dragon’s Laire invite you to witness the selection of the next Baronial Arts and Sciences Champion, Bardic Champion, and Baronial Scholars at Candlemas!

This Year we will be having a potluck feast with the barony providing meat (fish, chicken, pork & beef) and bread we request that people bring a dish with a list of ingredients to share.
Mundane last name A-E appetizer, F-J main course, K-Q salad, R-Z dessert.

This is a dry site, do not bring alcohol.

All activities to be held at the Suquamish United Church of Christ 18732 Division Ave. NE Suquamish, WA 98392
see website for road map

All letters of intent are due by the Sunday of 12th night if one wishes to present for champion

Site Fee $15 with $5 member discount, Feast Fee $5

Stuart of House Awry (Stuart Mangold), Event Steward, (360) 286-8430

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Has Classes
Has an Heraldic consultation table
Has Bardic activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities

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Add all events from Dragon's Laire to your personal calendar (ical format)

Map Unavailable

Registration Information

Pre-register for feast! Optional pre-register for attendance!

This Year we will be having a potluck feast with the barony providing meat (fish, chicken, pork & beef) and bread we request that people bring a dish with a list of ingredients to share. Mundane last name A-E appetizer, F-J main course, K-Q salad, R-Z dessert.

There are many feast tickets still available!

Pre-registration link

Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Site fee* 15
Feast fee 5
*SCA Members will receive a $5 member discount off the cost listed above.

Event Schedule

Time Activity Location
9:00 Presenters may unload and setup  
9:30 Gate Opens  
10:30 Invocation Court In the Sanctuary
11:00 First presentation In the Sanctuary
12:00 Lunch In the Hall
I1:00 Presentations continue In the Sanctuary
5:30 Court In the Sanctuary
15 minutes after Court Feast! In the Hall
* TBA Found object Lucent class with THL Bera-Skalla In the Hall

Meal Information

This Year we will be having a potluck feast with the Barony providing meat (fish, chicken, pork, & beef) and bread we request that people bring a dish with a list of ingredients to share.

Mundane last name:

A-E appetizer

F-J main course

K-Q salad

R-Z dessert.

Tournament Information

Arts & Sciences Championship entry presented by Dame Madrun Gwehyddes (Dragon’s Laire) Two-Hole Tablet-weaving as Practiced in Period

Scholar’s Paper Presentations from 4 Noble Scholars!

Youth and Family Activities

Rolls are being made onsite and youth are welcome to assist!

Youth are welcome to attend any and all presentations held at Candlemas.

THL Bera-Skalla will be teaching a youth aimed class on using found objects for braiding!  Learn how to make a lucet out of found stuff! Then weave a medieval friendship bracelet using it! Found stuff, yarn, and floss provided. Take it home with you and make as many as you want! Please bring your parent. Ages 6 to 106.

Volunteer Information

There are opportunities to assist with gate, decorating and setup, and tear down.


If you are interested in judging, please contact Sensei Tsuruko at

Merchant Information

No Merchants at this event.

Classes Offered

THL Bera-Skalla will be teaching a youth aimed class on using found objects for braiding!  Learn how to make a lucet out of found stuff! Then weave a medieval friendship bracelet using it! Found stuff, yarn, and floss provided. Take it home with you and make as many as you want! Please bring your parent. Ages 6 to 106.

This page for event id 7148 was last updated: January 30, 2019
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