Avacal Administrative Retreat


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sadb ingen Thuathail
Date: March 28 , 2014 until March, 30 2014
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 28th 2014
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on March 30th 2014

Event site:
St. Francis of Assisi
321 Lindsay Ave Red Deer, AB T4R 3G7

Greetings Seneschals, Exchequers
and Heralds (and those in the making) of Avacal and An

Want to know how things run at
the Administrative Level of all our Branches?? Having trouble
filling out those forms or even knowing which forms are for what??
Does a balanced event budget make you smile and want to jump for
joy?? Want to know what all the talk of “College of
Heralds” is all about and what the heck do they

Well, do we have a weekend for
you!! Join us for a weekend of classes, questions and answers and a
whole lot of camaraderie!!

Instructors: Kingdom
Brighid Ross

Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer:
Genevieve Marie Etiennette de Montagne

Laurel Sovereign of Arms:
Meistari Gabriel Kjotvason
Black Lion Principal Herald: The Honorable Lady Gwenlliana

Site Fee: $15.00 – includes
lunch on Saturday

There are many local
hotels/motels in the area.

The Red Deer Lodge 
(http://www.reddeerlodge.ca/) has agreed to give us a special rate
of $104 per night.
Please note you MUST tell them you are part of the “Society for
Creative Anacronism” to receive this rate.


Site: St. Francis of Assisi
school located at 321 Lindsay Ave., Red Deer, AB.
Event Steward: Maistreas Sadb ingen Thuathail
780-250-2121 (no calls after 9:30pm please) – When registering,
please let me know which stream you will be attending.
Site Event Steward: HL Francis McLaren


****This is a garb event. Please
join us in your medieval clothing for the weekend.****

This page for event id 6198 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy