Border War


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Aodhan of Tyre
Date: September 19 , 2008 until September, 21 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 19th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 21th 2008

Event site:
Kettle Falls Group Site/ Locust Grove
1368 Kettle Park Rd. Kettle Falls, WA 99141

Quest for the Grail of



Long ago,
at the first Inlands-Avacal War, the armies of Avacal struck
deep into the heart of  the Inlands
Region.  After
sharp and glorious combat, Avacal emerged the victor.
 But a tale is
told of a Great Treasure that was denied the Northern hordes,
a Grail of surpassing beauty that was theirs by right of
combat but which remained hidden from their


Now it is
whispered the Grail has been found in the Barony of
Wealdsmere, though Baron Caieth denies ever laying eyes on
Nevertheless, in defense of Avacal’s rights, Beothuk of
the Beothuks, Baron of Montengarde has called upon his forces
and mass them on the Border.  He will have the Grail
that belongs to his Prince, else he demands the tithes of
Dregate and Grimwithshire.


Fortunately, conflict seems
to be a foregone conclusion.  In keeping with the Quest
for the Grail, combat scenarios will draw from Arthurian myth
and cinema.  Yes,
there could be coconuts involved.  Look forward to the Battle
of Badon Hill, The Bridge of Eternal Peril, Gauntlet of
Pictish Archers, Siege of Castle Anthrax, Arthur’s
final conflict with Mordred and other great staples of screen
and legend.
  Bring every weapon you own.  There
will be a res. battle in which you get as many lives as you
have weapons to res. with. 

Come join
Their Excellencies of Montengarde and Wealdsmere for a
weekend of combat and camaraderie in the beautiful woods and
mountains along the US-Canadian border.  In addition to Heavy
Combat there will be Bardic, A&S (see schedule below), Pied Piper
activities and anything else we can come up

Combat Archers take
note:  The
Society Earl Marshal has ordered that all arrows and crossbow
bolts be modified to have a head no less than 1.5 inches
across due to recent injuries inflicted by arrows going
through grills. 
Please be sure your missiles have had the required adjustment
made.  Fighters
should also check the width of their grill bars, there will
be an inspection!


Schedule, All times SCAish.


Site opens at noon.

Set up, revelry, fun


Opening Court 10 a.m.


Armor inspection/Heavy Combat to ensue immediately
following court


Pied Piper activities to follow Heavy Combat, ~ 3 pm



Arts and Sciences:
   Competition entries for both Beginner
and Skilled groups must be entered at the A & S
tables at (add location here) by 1 PM. 
Beginner entries must be period art forms or sciences,
however do not require documentation. Skilled level entries
must be period art forms or sciences and requires
documentation; both verbal or written
documentation that include sources will be
required.  Judges will award War points to the
winning entry in both catagories and to the side with the
most entries.  For the winner of the Skilled level, a
prize will be awarded in Court in addition to the War


Romano-British/Arthurian themed entrants earn bonus


P.M.:  There
will be a Torchlight Tourney for Rapier, as well as

Torchlight Combat Archery shoot (yes, you read right)
both for War Points.  During both these
Tourneys, games of skill such as Hunker-Hausen and Champagne
Jousting will be held on the Green, also for War


Closing Court as early as practical to announce contest
winners and present the Grail.




The site
is Locust Grove Campground (same site as Grim Offensive) in
Kettle Falls, Wa.

include potable water onsite, pit privies, a public swimming
beach close by,

grocery stores with showers, laundry and beer  5 miles away in Kettle
Falls and a Super Walmart 10 miles away in


There are
two large group campfires; no ground fires or metal
detectors, above ground braziers are OK, but no ash or coals
are to be dumped in the park. Site is discreetly wet, pets
are allowed (on a leash as always).


are welcome with no merchant fee and will enjoy a lovely
paved merchant’s row. There are many green grassy areas
to camp with lots of shade at this wonderful lake setting.
Please let me know in advance if your set-up is very large so
I can best place you.  Fire Info posted as it becomes

include:  The Tart
(fruit and savory tarts, fruit crepes and

the Weaver


opens at 12:00 pm Friday, and closes at 12:00 pm
Sunday.  Site
fees:  Weekend
– Adults 16 and up, $10, Youth 10 – 15, $8, Child
under 6- 10, $6, 5 and under free.  Day – Adults 16 and
up, $6.00, Youth 10 -15 $4, child 6-10, $3.  Non Member surcharge
applies.  Make
checks payable to Barony of Wealdsmere, SCA,


Aodhan of Tyre 
(208) 691-5443

Aspen Way, Post Falls, Id, 83854





This page for event id 4867 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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