Baroness’ Inspiration Tournament


Hosted in-person by Device of Lions Gate

The Barony of Lions Gate (Vancouver, BC )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Thorbjorn of Lions Gate
Date: November 18 , 2023
Site opens at: 9:00 AM on November 18th 2023
Site closes at: 10:00 PM

Event site:
Cloverdale Fairgrounds – Shannon Hall
6050A 176th Street Surrey, BC

This is a Level 2: Branch Event where no Kingdom or Principality business is expected to be conducted event.

Come join The Barony of Lions Gate as we celebrate the inspirations of our fair Baroness!

Event Schedule

Time Activity Location
8:00 am

Sites opens

8:30 am

Gate opens

9:30 am

Opening court, Including C&T

championship invocation

TUTR classes regristration

immediately following court

10:00 am

Rapier inspection

10:30 am

TUTR classes begin

Uncollared Rapier inspirational tournament, Gerhard’s Ripost Tournament, Baronial C&T Championship

12:30 pm

Heavy Armor Inspection

1:00 pm

Iron Rose Tournament , Unbelted Armored Inspiration Tournament.

5:00 pm

Principality and Baronial Courts begin.

7:00 pm

Potluck Feast Begins

10:00 pm Tavern closes and clean up

11:00 pm site closes

Tournament Information

Uncollared Rapier Inspirational Tournament

Gehard’s Ripost

Baronial C&T Championship

Unbelted Armored Inspirational Tournament

Iron Rose Tournament

This page for event id 8152 was last updated: November 2, 2023
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy