Banner War


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Fionnghuala Friseil
Date: September 24 , 2004 until September, 26 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 24th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 26th 2004

Event site:
Hastie Lake Rd. Site
2163 Hastie Lake Road Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Banner War
September 24-26, 2004
2163 Hastie Lake Road, Oak Harbor, WA 98277

The Households of An Tir are once again invited to display their prowess
both on and off the field at Banner War.

There will be war points for Heavy and Rapier Combat (War archery will be
allowed); Archery, both adults and children; Arts and Sciences; Siege
Cooking, Thrown Weapons; Best War (Period) Encampment and Best General
Encampment; Best Inspirational Bardic; Best Banner and Best War Banner plus the children will
be able to receive two additional points, one for best banner made on site and
One for best bardic performed by a child.

All war bands must have a banner to be on the field and mercenaries are welcome, but they must fight for a household.
This is a wet site, fires in established pits only please, subject to fire bans.
There will be a “Pillaged Village Jumble Sale” on Saturday. You may donate your usable SCA gear and acquire more. Proceeds to go to the Barony of Aquaterra.

Dogs and cats are welcome with proof of rabies vaccination (Certificate or tag) checked at the gate. The owner also asked that they be protected against fleas, ticks and mites as these are on the property. Animals should be leashed at all times and scoop rules will be enforced.

Gate Fees are:
$10.00 for adults and children 12 and over, $5.00 for children from 6-11, under 6 are
free. There is no special day trip fee.
The non-SCA member surcharge is in effect.
There is a family cap of $30.00 for immediate family.
Please make sure that children have paperwork needed.

Site opens on Friday at 3 pm if you arrive sooner you will be put to work.
Site closes at 4pm on Sunday.
Quiet hours are from Midnight to 8 am.

Autocrat: HL Fionnghuala Friseil (Fi MacKenzie) 1322 Rancho Pl. Everett, WA
98204. Phone (425)359.3914.
Merchantocrat: to be announced

This page for event id 3963 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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