Banner War


Event Summary

Date: September 27 , 2013 until September, 29 2013
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 27th 2013
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 29th 2013

Event site:
Masonic Park Campground
24310 Mountain Loop Hwy Granite Falls, WA 98252

WAR!  In war, everyone is involved!  Bring your house
and families to one of Aquaterra’s longest running events! 
Help spread the wordfame for your house in the spirit of friendly
competition!  Like the name says, this is a War of
Banners!  Bring your personal or house banners to spread your
word fame!  War points are awarded for more than just
fighting!  Archery, Thrown weapons, Rapier, Siege cooking,
Arts & sciences, Youth armored combat, and Family
activities!  Plus war scenarios including a true woods
battle!  You can solo or team up with other houses to combine
your efforts to win the coveted war chest!

Come see the beauty that is in the heart of Aquaterra!  The
event will be at the gorgeous Masonic Family Park located at 24310
Mountain Loop Hwy, Granite Falls, WA 98252.  The park is a
beautiful forest setting with a creek running next to it! 
Site opens at 12PM for merchants, 3 pm for populace 9/27 and closes
at 3 pm 9/29.  Site is discretely wet.  Please visit the
kingdom calendar for more information.

8pm – Chatelaine/Newcomers Night
Midnight- gate closes
8am – gate opens
9am – opening court – War bands present yourselves!
– Largesse Challenge entries due after court
– Largesse Class begins
– Siege Cooking begins
½ hour after morning court – armor inspection
1 hour after morning court – WAR! Heavy combat,
Archery, Rapier, YAC, and Thrown Weapons begin.
10am – 2pm – Family Activities
3pm – Ladies Tea – location to be announced
6pm – evening court / gate closes
After evening court – the Inn opens including the Bardic
9pm – site gate closes
8am – site gate opens
Court time to be announced
3pm – site closes


War bands must present themselves at Saturday morning court and
make a donation to the War Chest.  Presentation is
important!  Remember
the A&S competitions!

Heavy Scenarios

MOC: HL Gideon Hravensfuri

Battles will be run through more than once each. The decision on
exactly how many times will depend on how many banners are
fielded. One War point will be awarded for
each scenario.  Please contact Gideon for more
Combat Archery (CA) will be

1. WOODS BATTLES Woods Battles will be the “Road Ambush”


A. Hold Bridge for time to acquire war point…unlimited
resurrection 15 min. duration

B. Hold Bridge, last man standing…no resurrections


A. Transport Flag…unlimited resurrections 15 min. duration

B. Prisoner Transport Battle…unlimited resurrections 15 min

C. Capture the Flag Battle…unlimited resurrection 15 min.
duration 4. Last Man Standing -no resurrections.

Thrown Weapons

WAR is On,
For those willing to come
out and Throw your best I have acquired Two war points for Thrown
Weapons, One the Guys and one for the Lady’s for the highest score
for the competition on Saturday as well I am adding a Blanket
tournament so bring something to put out on the Blanket as a
gift and that way everyone that throws wins something.
On Sunday I will have the
range open to try your hand at the Inner Kingdom Competition and we
can see how its done.
I look forward in seeing
everyone at the war…
Lord Phydeaux Weir


There will be archery run by HL Torn of Froghaven and will
have two WAR points!


Expect something a little silly. A little
less Cooking and a little more Art. Pick up rules and supplies from
Baroness Fiamma, in the main hall after Saturday morning court.
Judging time tba with participants. 1 WAR

Vox Off

HL Alan ap Neal will be running a Vox Off
with 1 WAR point each category: adult and
youth.  This will be weather dependent, so the place and time
will be announced.  Listen for the heralds!

Arts and Science

Please contact our A&S Minister, HL Samira al-Waddi, with
any questions at  A
War point will be awarded for each

1. “Personal/House” Banner contest. Show off your banner as well
as your skills at creation. Place and time TBA.
2. Heraldic Costuming. Let’s see you show off your personal
heraldry. Documentation must be included with this one. Place and
time TBA


HL Rhiannon Boyle will be running the games competition. 
WAR point for games will be won by the war band
that plays the widest variety of games. Scoring will be a point for
each player that plays a different game. So this can be 1 player,
playing 20 games or 20 people playing 1 game. The band that has the
highest score will win the Games war point!  Games will be
from 12-4 on Saturday at the same pavilion as Family

Largesse Competition

presented by HL Adeliza a
This is for War Points and a Prize. 2 Divisions Adult (120 to
13 yrs old) and Children (12 and under).
The Competition is as
Make 2 Largess items.-
label them discreetly with your name.  They do not have to be
the same. 

Please bring your Largess
Competition entries to the A&S area right after opening court
on Saturday.
(Yes you get to make your
entries in the comfort of your own home).

The winners are chosen on a points from the populous. 
Depending on the number of participants there will be a first and
possibly a second place prize.  A War point
will be awarded for each division.

The entries will be given
to the Baroness for the Largess Coffers.

Largess making Class

Making wooden
Needle Case
Demo w/handout on Leather
Mug Belt Carriers
Classes will be following
opening court in the A&S area.
If you would like to
teach a class that takes less than 3 hours please contact me off
Oh and by the way there
will be a War point awarded for the band with the
most participants.

YAC Torchlight Tournament

HL Jólgeirr Álarson will be running the YAC
Torchlight Tournament Saturday evening.  

Family Activities:

Presented by Eibhlin inghean Sheain Saturday: 10am – 2pm.

List of activities:

Cardboard Shields
Play and learn midieval games
Make midieval games
Make beaded necklaces and bracelets
Paper Crowns
Backstrap Weaving (will be able to take home your own shoulder
Coloring Pages
We will aslo have a toy castle and set of knights and trebuchets
and stuff to play with

Chatelaine/Newcomers Night:

Join the Chatelaine Friday at 8pm at the
Chatelaine encampment for discussion and Q&A on the SCA and the
Barony of Aquaterra. For those interested, we will conclude the
gathering with a walk through the event site.

Bardic Night

Presented by Lord Jax the
Jester  at the Inn Saturday night after evening
Here are the official rules for
Bardic. The first one allows for preparation. The rest are designed
to challenge Bards with impromptu style games.
The Rhyming Game! – The
winner will win one WAR point!
The Bard must select a
short story and turn it into an original poem or song, which the
Bard will perform at Banner War.
A). The piece must be 500
words or less.
B). The piece should
capture the heart of the story and match the stories tone (i.e. if
the story is a comedy, then a comedic song or poem should be
C). If the selected story
is from a published book; the books title and author(s) must be
D). If the selected story
is an original short story, then a copy of the story must be
printed and provided to the judge.
Note: If documentation is
not provided, the Bard may still perform but the score will
strongly penalized.
Bard Games!
The winner will win one WAR
Round 1: Extemporaneous Haiku
This is a team challenge that does not require
documentation. The teams will design a series of five Haikus that
describe an event that took place at (any) Banner War.
A). When the competition
begins, all Bards present will draw a random number from a
B). Matching numbers will
be used to form teams of three or four people (depending on number
of applicants).
C). The teams will have 10
minutes to create the Haikus.
D). The Haikus must follow
the standard “5-7-5” syllable format.
Round 2:
Impromptu Finals Competition:
After all scores are added
up, the top three Bards will move on to the final round- Creating
an impromptu story related to (any) Banner War. No documentation
required for this contest.
A). The Bard with the
highest running score begins the impromptu.
B). Each Bard will say
one complete sentence and then stop. The Bard to his/her left will
then say a new complete sentence that plays off of the first
C). The sentences provided should
flow together to create a short story and keep it moving along. A
sentence that is not related to the story will receive no
D). If a Bard cannot
think of a new sentence in 10 seconds or less, that Bard is
eliminated from the competition.
E). If two of the Bards are
eliminated, the third wins the competition automatically.
F). If the competition
runs for the entire 5 minutes, the remaining Bards will each be
allowed one final sentence to bring the story to a close. After
which, their total scores added up (including all points earned
during the this contest) to determine the winner of the Bardic
In the unlikely event of a tie score, the
Bards will compete in a tie-breaker competition.
A). Each Bard will
attempt to make Jax the Jester laugh with a comedic
B). The performance can
be anything. It does not need to be period. No documentation is
C). The Bard may use
props, but may not include additional people in their
D). The Bards will be
timed with a stop watch and given a maximum of five minutes to make
Jax laugh.
E). The Bard that makes Jax laugh
fastest wins the tie breaker.
F). If neither Bard can
make Jax laugh, then a winner will be selected based on how
entertaining their impromptu performance was.

Ladies Tea

Greetings unto the Ladies attending Banner
Her Excellency Sineidin
would like to invite you to Tea With the Baroness. Come for an hour
and enjoy a gentile and elegant respite from the surrounding
war. Enjoy some light refreshments and each others’ company.
Date: The Tea will be held
on Saturday, September 28th.
Time: 3pm
Place: TBD (weather and war dependent)
Please bring your
own tea cup. Refreshments
provided.  Gluten free options will be
available as well as an ingredients list.
Seating is limited
so please RSVP HL Adeliza a Donyngat

“Supper at an English Country Inn, Honoring Master

Hosted by HL Elewyn ferch Emrys.  Head chef: Baroness
Fiamma the Unquenchable.  Cost $5.00/each and seating is
limited.  Tickets sold at Gate on a first come/first
served basis.  Tickets in hand required at the Inn, which will
be Saturday, after evening court.

In July of the year of our society AS XVII, during the reign of
Torgul and Angharad, the incipient Shire of Aquaterra was formed by
six people Robyrt of Watersyde, Myrrhnyn of Watersyde, Amber of
Soddenfeld, Magdalena Segovia of Uist, Tergia de la Mer, and
Kirsten of Wolfslaier.

Many have left us over the years yet one founder still remains,
ever vigilant, ever the Aquaterran – Master Robyrt of Waterside

Come join Aquaterra for an evening of food and merriment at
Banner War. This is a night to celebrate one of those that made
this brilliant group possible through endless encouragement,
prodding, and insistence that we learn the values of volunteering,
holding to traditions, and always striving to improve ourselves.
Let us join together to revere a man that has helped guide many of
us along our path in the society. Raise a toast to one of our
beloved founders as we dedicate this night to honoring his lifelong
commitment to this fine Barony reflecting on the splendor that is
Aquaterra and the many friends and family we have met through our
vibrant Barony.


Site information

Site Fees: Adult (18+) – weekend $20 / day $15. Youth (7-17) –
weekend $13 / day $8. Child (6 and under) – free. Family cap –
weekend $66 / day $46.  The $5 member discount applies to all
full price adult fees, including those in the family
cap.   Please make checks payable to SCA Inc-Barony of

Autocrats: HL Pike Geirleikrson (Michael Olsen) and Lady Sabina di Zorzi
(Geraldine Terhune)

MIC: HL Gideon Hravensfuri  (Jim Meyers)

Merchant coordinator – Prior to event: HL Isabel of Oxeneford

Merchant coordinators – On site: Lord Tristan Alejandro El
Gitano and Isolde la corvid Gitana

Please e-mail the autocrat if you would like to volunteer! 
Remember, no volunteers means no events, so please step in and help
out!  Gate is especially in need of carded members to put in a
couple hours each.  Thank you so much!

We will have a “Bring out your dead” trash service accepting
donations to pick your trash up from your camp both sometime during
the day Saturday and in the morning on Sunday, so listen for the

For information regarding bringing minors to events, see

Please make checks payable to “SCA Inc. Barony of Aquaterra”

* For RV Reservations, please contact Baroness Arianne at

 Hurry space is limited!

*RVs must not be parked in the main activities area. 

*As always, volunteers are needed (and greatly appreciated),
especially for Gate! Notify the Autocrat team if you would like to

“In regards to marijuana laws, all SCA participants should
follow modern law, both State and Federal. As it is still illegal
under Federal law, marijuana is prohibited at SCA functions.

Jan 2013 Board Meeting.”


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