3M Champions Tourney


Hosted by Device of Three Mountains

The Barony of Three Mountains (Clackamas & Multnomah Counties, OR)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Talia Soranzo da Chioggia
Date: June 2 , 2012
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 2th 2012
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Marshall’s Farm
34058 Sykes Road St. Helens, OR 97051

Three Mountains Baronial Championship
Event 2012
June 2, 2012 St. Helens, OR

Hersir Alfric and Baroness Jill, Their Excellencies Three
Mountains, invite all to the Three Mountains Baronial Champions
Tournament to be held June 2 in
 Helens, OR. Cheer for our combatants as they take
on the challenge of becoming the 2012 Armored Champion, Rapier
Champion, Archery Champion, Youth Champion, and our first ever
Thrown Weapons Champion!

Highlights include:

CHALLENGERS: All challengers in the tournaments are required to
submit a written letter of intent (or letter like object) to Their
Excellencies during
the invocation court. This is often excellent entertainment so
don’t miss it!

SPECTATOR DISTRACTIONS: on-site games, group art projects,
amusements, and volunteering opportunities will be
on hand for those without busy hands.

 BBQ: After the events of the day bring
something for the grill as well as your own
st gear kit
and side and join
the Barony in a picnic on the lawn


FOOD DRIVE: An ongoing tradition continues.  Once again
we will be having a food drive for those less fortunate, please
bring non-perishable to help those in need!


VOLUNTEERS: Always essential and deeply
appreciated! If you have time, please help out, 5 minutes or 5
hours …Set up on Friday night, take down
the event, gate, parking, food wrangling, etc. Also consider
donating items like finger foods for the lunch table, or even
waterbearing supplies to help keep competitors and spectators
healthy and hydrated!

Site info: Marshall
Farm, 34058
Sykes Road, St. Helens, OR 97051

Site is open 10 am–10

Site is discretely wet, period
containers only & parking space may be limited –
carpooling is suggested.

Site fees:  $7 + $5 NMS Fee for non-members
Youth (6-17): $4.

Under 6, Free


— Checks payable to SCA
Inc.–Barony of Three Mountains


Autocrat: HL Talia Soranzo da Chioggia (Wendy Keith)
503-317-8486 or email sailor_neo_mars@yahoo.com

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