12th Night


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): William Bennet
Date: January 19 , 2013
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on January 19th 2013
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Marlborough Community Hall
636 Marlborough Way NE Calgary, AB T2A 2V9

t is with great pleasure that the
Barony of Montengarde invites you to the Twelfth Night celebrations
of their Excellencies Kraig Landenthal and Una Henriksdottir. The
day will be filled with pageantry, amusements, fabulous food, and a
good time to be had by all. Come and participate in or watch all of
the best of the society. Arts and Sciences, Rapier, Archery, Heavy
Combat, games, a feast and more. This day will also include the
deciding of the new A&S and Rapier champions for our great

 for up to five people.

Archery will be offsite (STARTING AT 8)
at the Calgary Archery Club, 4855 – 47 St SE, Calgary AB, T2B 3S5


Site: Adult $10.00 / Child 15 and under
NMS of $5 will be in effect.
Feast: $15 per person; off-board seating will be available.
Make cheques payable to MSCA.


Marlborough Community Centre, 636
Marlborough Way NE, Calgary AB T2A 2V9 (map)
Site opens at 9 am and closes at midnight.
SITE RULES: enclosed flames only.

Event Steward:
William Bennet

Event Stewards:
Caitlin and Jajeradei




** Bardic
throughout the day, focussed during the feast


800 Archery lists open (off

830 Archery competition begins (off

900 Main hall opens

1000 A&S entries set up begins
(to noon)

1000 Armoured inspections & list

1030 Armoured tournament starts
(breaks for A&S invocation)

1100 A&S judges meeting

1200 Armoured tournament

1200 Archery competition

1200 Invocation of A&S
championship contenders

1230 A&S championship judging

1230 Youth Combat

1300 Rapier inspections & list

1330 Youth Combat ends

1330 Invocation of rapier
championship contenders & Championship starts

1600 Rapier championship

1600 Courtly dancing

1630 A&S judging concludes

1700 Hall changeover

1800 Feast begins

1930 Last course of feast served

2000 Court begins

2330 Hall closes (or later)

A & S Championship

Contact champion for details

Rapier Championship

contact champion for details

This page for event id 5898 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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